Follow Mouiky
Into His Supercute World !
Mouikmouik, mouik, mooouik, mouik* !
*Mouiky the hedgehog is happy to welcome you on his website. So, let him guide you through this page to get to know him. Maybe you will become friends and share his adventures together.
A cute spikes ball
How did a hedgehog enter a phone?
Mouiky discovered he can enter into smartphones and walk among the messages. Our mate is really happy because he can travel and meet new friends when he sticks to a sent message or image. This is how the hedgehog app has been created !
The hedgehog stickers app
Mouiky Sticky is an application that allows the user to hang hedgehog stickers to his conversations through iMessage. The app is available for free for all Apple device users. Thus, you can now download it from the App Store to your iPhone, iPad or iPod and discover the stickers of this cute little companion.
Mouiky Sticky
The application is a Messages extension designed for both iPhone and iPad
Only for iMessage
- Updated : July 24, 2019
- Version : 2.3
- Size : 37.1 MB
- Category : Stickers
- Language : English, French
- Rated 4+
© 2019 – DOO THE DESIGN® is a registered trademark in France.
Compatibility : Requires iOS 12.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.
Free samples
Send some great stickers now and for free by downloading our lovely application from the App Store on your Apple device.
To adopt our number-one spiky pet, you can get the stickers as In-App Purchases. There’re also packs grouping sets and extensions.
A surefire way to personalize your iMessages with the Kawai mug of the spike ball. Besides, this cute animal conveys feelings easily.
Video Compatible
Add the app stickers with FaceTime and Messages right from the in-app camera. This is a new feature from iOS 12. Share your best ones 🙂
Well Organized
The stickers are classified by sets and extensions. That’s why it’s faster to navigate among the different stickers and choose the right one.
Share it easy
Find links to social networks and Mouiky’s website directly in the app. So you can follow and share with him using #mouiky and #mouikysticky.
The hedgehog team continue to work on the application to allow it to offer even more possibilities.
You do like Mouiky ?
You have questions, suggestions, an idea to propose or simply want to discuss your passion for hedgehogs ? So leave us a message and we will ask our best-loved spike ball to answer you as soon as he visits us at our studio.